Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Can it get any better?

So I woke up this morning and just felt draggy and blah. Little did I know it would end up being a great day. Or at least for a geek knitter.

I was sitting with the kidlets and the doorbell rang. Whoot! Knitting books! I joined the Crafters Choice bookclub and my haul arrived.

All those books for $33! Score!

Then I was just minding my own business, got the kids where they should be and had a moment with my computer to check email. And what to my wondering eyes should appear?? But an actual email to ME from the Yarn Harlot. I swear I got giddy. I absolute adore her, think she's witty, smart and just so cool. I'd left a comment on her website, which I'd done in the past, along with literally 100's of others, and she responded. To me. Wow. I'm going to have to frame the email or something!!

Here it is for posterity's sake!

Subject: Re:[Yarn Harlot] New Comment Posted to "Paging a Smaller Fisherman"
From: Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Date: 8/15/2006

Thanks for saying nice things about the photography Lynn. I work really hard at it.

The Yarn Harlot lives at
On 15-Aug-06, at 9:11 AM, wrote:

Name: Lynn
Email Address:

Anything worth being done, is worth being done right. Or some such silly platitude! It's beautiful, and he'll be so pleased with the outcome.

I did have another comment, you have become a beautiful, talented photographer. You have such an eye and make even photos of 'wool' artistic!

I have officially died and gone to geek-fan heaven! Whooooo!