Knitty Retreat 2006!
Ok, so if you have a bunch of knitter friends, and you can't get manage to afford or get to a Knitting Retreat, make your own! Yep that's what a handful of my friends and I did. It was so much fun. We just rented a 4 bedroom condo about an hour away from home and spent the weekend with knitting and wine! Got to love that!
My hand honestly is sore from all the knitting. Here's what I managed to do!
It's the plaid part of my messenger bag. I still need to knit the gusset and the front piece, which is on the needles right now. Not much to look at, but the plaid piece is really interesting. I 'borrowed' the idea from another pattern. You do a rib with stripes and then crochet in the ditch of the purl. Way cool and very effective.