Licking My Wounds...
I love to knit.
It just doesn't always love me..
Abby's was moving along well, so I thought!!
That's a picture of it when I connected sleeves to body, I knit about 5 inches into the yoke, had her try it on....and freaking ouch. The damn sleeves are too's all been yanked back, yarns reballed and two sleeves and the body jammed into a basket until after Christmas. I just can't face it and knitting is supposed to be fun. :)
So I worked on my Mom's jaywalkers on cold meds. Stupid is as stupid does. Yep had to tink back over 6 rows. It's in a baggie on top of the sweater in the basket. :)
I'm licking my wounds with some 'easy' knitting which I can't seem to get my mind around. It's ridiculous, I keep having to look at the pattern. Heh.
Hopefully this crappy sinus stuff will go away and I'll be back on the (knitting) ball again